Chandigarh to Ludhiana Taxi Hire
The Distance from Chandigarh to Ludhiana is 105 KM and it takes 2.10 Hours to Complete the Journey by Road.
We provides cab with reliable service in economy/cheapest price. choose from a wide variety of cars at economical rates and book online cab for Ludhiana From Chandigarh
Rates for Pickup/Drop
- Chandigarh to Amritsar - INR 4500
- Chandigarh to Shimla - INR 2800
- Chandigarh to Manali - INR 5200
- Chandigarh to Dharamsala - INR 4800
- Chandigarh to Dehradun - INR 3800
- Chandigarh to Ludhiana - INR 2300
- Chandigarh to Jalandhar - INR 3200
- Chandigarh to Delhi - INR 3000
- Chandigarh to Mussoorie - INR 4000
- Chandigarh to Dalhousie - INR 4800
- Delhi to Shimla - INR 4800
- Delhi to Manali - INR 7500